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All applicants to Island HomeFinder are required to evidence that they are a Qualifying Person to be eligible to join by showing that they have a local connection as defined by the Island HomeFinder Allocation Policy. The following list gives examples of evidence that could be provided. This list is not exhaustive and other forms of evidence could be provided if it clearly proves a connection.
Any documents that are provided to evidence a length of time must be clearly dated. Only one form of evidence is required if it shows a continuous local connection of five years or more. However, where this is not possible, several documents may be required to show a connection when combined to make up the five years of proof needed.
Once you have submitted an Island HomeFinder application, documents to evidence your local connection can be uploaded to your application via your My Account page.
Qualifying person criteria
1. Applicant or joint applicant has lived on the island and has done so for a minimum of five years immediately prior to application (a break of one year will be allowed for returning residents with a minimum five years previous residency). Residency at university, service in the Armed Forces or other reasons for being temporarily away from the applicants principal home on the island who have an intention to return will not be counted as a break in residency)
Examples of evidence for applicant
Tenancy agreement(s)
Rent book(s)
Council tax records
Benefit agency letters
Official letters from housing benefit, social services, doctors, hospital, solicitors
Utility bills
Bank or credit card letters/statements
Medical cards
School records
Electoral registration
2. Applicant or joint applicant has close family who live on the Island and have done so for at least five years (close family being mother, father, siblings or adult children
Examples of evidence for family member
Tenancy agreement(s)
Rent book(s)
Council tax records
Benefit agency letters
Official letters from housing benefit, social services, doctors, hospital, solicitors
Utility bills
Bank or credit card letters/statements
Medical cards
Electoral registration
We will also need to see evidence of your relationship to the person who is providing you with a local connection, either by way of a Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate, before we can approve your application.
3. Applicant has a permanent job on the Island and has been in continuous employment for a minimum of two years
Examples of evidence of employment
Wage slips (if they include location of work) dating back at least two years
Official letter from employer
4. There are exceptional circumstances – such as those fleeing domestic violence, those wishing to move closer to relatives to give or receive support on severe medical or welfare grounds where there is no-one else who can give this support; those under the Witness Protection Scheme
Examples of evidence
Any documentation that supports individual circumstances, such as official letters from the Police, Women's Refuge, doctor or specialist etc
5. Service personnel as defined by the Allocation of accommodation: guidance for local authorities in England, chapter 3, Eligibility and Qualification, 3.27 are exempt from requiring a local connection but will be required to evidence their circumstances to confirm their exemption status.